Kim Schu  wiss. Mitarbeiter

E-Mail: schu@uni-mainz.de
Tel.: 06131 / 39-28115
Raum: 01-168
Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung


Kim Schu ist seit 2021 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Dozent und Doktorand der Abteilung Sportökonomie, -soziologie und -geschichte am Institut für Sportwissenschaft der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz.

Nach seinem Abschluss im Bachelor of Arts in Sport und Sportwissenschaft absolvierte er den Master of Science "Internationales Sportmanagement" am Institut für Sportwissenschaft in Mainz.

Sein Forschungsinteresse gilt dem organisatorischen Wandel und dem strategischen Management/der Strategieentwicklung in Sportverbänden und olympischen Organisationen. In seiner ersten Forschungsarbeit innerhalb seiner Dissertation untersucht Kim Schu das strategische Management der Nationalen Olympischen Komitees im Zuge der Coronakrise und entwarf einen Strategieentwicklungsprozess, sowie konkrete praxisnahe Handlungsempfehlungen für die NOK im Umgang mit Krisen.

Kim ist verantwortlicher Ansprechpartner für die Masterstudierenden im Internationalen Sportmanagement und lehrt diverse Veranstaltungen im Bachelor of Arts "Sport & Sportwissenschaft" und im Master of Science "Internationales Sportmanagement" an der JGU Mainz.

Sonstige Aktivitäten:

MESGO Local Coordinator Session 4 "Ethics & Integrity".

DOA Repräsentant auf dem 29th International Seminar on Olympic Studies for Postgraduate Students.

Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of Western, Ontario im August & September 2024 (EventRights Projekt).

Forschungsaufenthalt an der School of Physical Education, Physiotherapy and Dance (ESEFID) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) im Mai 2022 (EventRights Projekt).

Forschungsaufenthalt an der Universität Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona im Oktober 2023.

english version:

Kim Schu has been a research assistant, lecturer and PhD student in the Department of Sport Economics, Sociology and History at the Institute of Sport Science at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz since 2021.
After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Sport and Sport Science, he completed the Master of Science "International Sportsmanagement" at the Institute of Sport Science in Mainz.
His research interest is in interest is in organizational change and strategic management/ strategy development in sport governing bodies or/and Olympic organizations.
In his first research work within his thesis, Kim Schu investigated the strategic management of the National Olympic Committees in the course of the Corona crisis and designed a strategy development process framework, as well as concrete practical recommendations for action for the NOC in dealing with crises.
Kim is the responsible contact person for the Master's students in International Sport Management. He teaches the courses "Sports Marketing", "Project Management" in the Bachelor of Arts "Sport & Sport Science" and an Oberseminar on the (digital) future of sport, as well as the course "Marketing & Merchandising & Financing & Licensing" in the Master of Science "International Sport Management" at the JGU Mainz.

Other activities:

MESGO Local Coordinator Session 4 "Ethics & Integrity".

DOA representative on the 29th International Seminar on Olympic Studies for Postgraduate Students.

Research visit at the University of Western, Ontario in August & Septemeber 2024 (EventRights project)

Research visit at School of Physical Education, Physiotherapy and Dance (ESEFID) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) in May 2022 (EventRights project)
Research visit at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona in October 2023.


Strategisches Sportmanagement

Krisenmanagement im Sport

Aktuelle Themen im Sportmarketing

Die (digitale) Zukunft des Sports


Schu, K. and Preuss, H. (2023), "Strategy development in times of crisis – How the European National Olympic Committees are mastering the corona crisis", Sport, Business and Management, Vol. 13 No. 6, pp. 704-726. https://doi.org/10.1108/SBM-03-2023-0027

Schu, K. and Preuss, H. (2023), "Strategic management in sports – How the European National Olympic Committees are mastering the Corona Crisis", 29th International Seminar on Olympic Studies for Postgraduate Students, p. 43-54. International Olympic Academy, Athens. Full PDF.


mitgewirkt in:
Preuss, H, Schallhorn, C., Schütte, N. (2022). Olympic Sport Organisations in Times of Crisis and Change. Guide for Strategic Management and Good Governance. Baden-Baden: Nomos. Full PDF 


Wagner, F. P., Preuß, H., und Schu, K. (2020). DFB beschließt Regionalliga-Reform - in optima forma?. Sciamus - Sport Und Management11(1), 22-45. Full PDF.

Master of Science "Internationales Sportmanagement":

  • Vorlesung: Marketing & Merchandising & Finanzierung & Lizenzierung
  • Projektseminar: Keyplayer in der Eventorganisation (Exkursion: Frankfurt– München – Garmisch Partenkirchen – Innsbruck)

Bachelor of Arts "Sport & Sportwissenschaft"

  • Vorlesung: Grundlagen im Sportmarketing
  • Seminar: Projektmanagement & -kontrolle
  • Oberseminar: Die (digitale) Zukunft des Sports


  • 11. International Sport Business Symposium. 080802024 in Paris, France: The process of Olympization: Organizational Change in the German Dance Sport Federation due to the Inclusion of Breaking in the Olympic Games Paris 2024.
  • 13. Innsbrucker Sportökonomie & -management Symposium. 07.03.2024 in Innsbruck, Austria: Schummeln im Schach – Verändern Künstliche Intelligenz und Doping den Sport?


  • 21st international Science Congress. 13.11.2023 in Antalya, Türkiye: Strategy development in times of crisis - How the European national Olympic Committees are mastering the corona crisis.


  • 29th International Seminar on Olympic Studies for Postgraduate Students. 13.09.2022 in Olympia, Greece: Strategic management in sports - How the European National Olympic Committees are mastering the Corona Crisis.
  • School of Physical Education, Physiotherapy and Dance (ESEFID) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). 09.05.2022 Porto Alegre: Exchange Program UFRGS x JGU
  • 11. Innsbrucker Sportökonomie & -management Symposium. 03.03.2022 in Innsbruck, Austria: Strategisches Management im Sport - Wie die europäischen Nationalen Olympischen Komitees die Coronakrise meistern.